Oral history interview with Alfred E. Alquist : oral history transcript / By Gabrielle Morris, Regional Oral History Office, The Bancroft Library, University of California, Berkeley, for the State Government Oral History Program, California State Archives, 1987.


Oral history interview with Alfred E. Alquist : oral history transcript / By Gabrielle Morris, Regional Oral History Office, The Bancroft Library, University of California, Berkeley, for the State Government Oral History Program, California State Archives, 1987.

Alquist discusses Democratic party politics in Santa Clara County and statewide and his election campaigns from 1960 through 1984, including his candidacy for lieutenant governor in 1970. Focus is on issues such as campaign spending, reapportionment, economic development, and the budgetary process; also personalities such as Edmund G. Brown, Sr., John Vasconcellos, and others. Volume includes an interview with Administrative Assistant Loretta Riddle of Alquist's San Jose office.

[v], iii, 105 p.; 29 cm.


SNAC Resource ID: 7014146

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